Sanket told to tell this to all it also has been displayed on google groups and facebook. Courtesy sanket.
This is the possible list of assignments for clp 1.
(VB oracle, procedure, trigger)
1. voting system for election
2. customer data system for bank mgmnt project
3online aptitude test mgmnt system
4. airline reservation system
5. result analysis system for students
6. User/admin moovie ticket system
7. medical shop system
8 emmployee info for an organisation & retrieving the data foran employee
9. library database mgmnt system
10.automobile mgmnt sytems
XML agency system & xml dbase to retrieve data
2. Airline reservatio system ,DTD use, xml queries
1.c program for mulitiple transactions on a bankiing system
2. decision tree for copmuter shop
1. apriori data mining algorithm
This is the possible list of assignments for clp 1.
(VB oracle, procedure, trigger)
1. voting system for election
2. customer data system for bank mgmnt project
3online aptitude test mgmnt system
4. airline reservation system
5. result analysis system for students
6. User/admin moovie ticket system
7. medical shop system
8 emmployee info for an organisation & retrieving the data foran employee
9. library database mgmnt system
10.automobile mgmnt sytems
XML agency system & xml dbase to retrieve data
2. Airline reservatio system ,DTD use, xml queries
1.c program for mulitiple transactions on a bankiing system
2. decision tree for copmuter shop
1. apriori data mining algorithm
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