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Showing posts from November, 2010

Implementing procedures using parameters

Procedure for deletion of record This is the procedure to which we are passing the parameter called in. Write this procedure in oracle. create or replace procedure del(n in number) is begin delete from stud where rno=n; end; Write this code in VB. You can write this at onclick event of command button for example. Set com = New ADODB.Command com.ActiveConnection = con com.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc com.CommandText = "del(" & Text1.Text & ")" com.Execute

SQL query Optimization or Query Evalution

Note: I have performed on oracle 10g wonder whether it will work on oracle 9i. SQL> set autotrace on; SQL> create table sailors (sid number(5) primary key, sname varchar2(10), rating number(5), age number(5)); Table created. SQL> create table reserves (sid number(5) , did number(5), day number(5), rname varchar2(5), CONSTRAINT col3_fk FOREIGN KEY(sid) REFERENCES sailors(sid) ON DELETE CASCADE); Table created. SQL> select * from sailors;        SID SNAME          RATING        AGE ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------          1 asss                1         22          2 adfss             ...

This is the possible list of assignments for clp 1.

Sanket told to tell this to all it also has been displayed on google groups and facebook. Courtesy sanket. This is the possible list of assignments for clp 1. (VB oracle, procedure, trigger) 1. voting system for election 2. customer data system for bank mgmnt project 3online aptitude test mgmnt system 4. airline reservation system 5. result analysis system for students 6. User/admin moovie ticket system 7. medical shop system 8 emmployee info for an organisation & retrieving the data foran employee 9. library database mgmnt system 10.automobile mgmnt sytems --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XML agency system & xml dbase to retrieve data 2. Airline reservatio system ,DTD use, xml queries ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C LANGUAGE 1.c program for mulitiple transactions on a bankiing system 2. decision tree for copmuter shop --------------------------...

Validations in Visual Basic 6.0

This topic will demonstrate how to perform client side validations in Visual Basic 6.0. It will guide you with a step by step procedure. 1) Firstly in the below image suppose you want to accept only integer numbers as id in the textbox next to ID label in the form from the user you can perform client side validations in the following way: These are the ascii codes that i am using for acepting only integer values from user. Back space - 8 0 to 9 Integers - 48 to 57 Delete - 127 This is how the function will look. Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If Not ((KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57) Or KeyAscii = 127 Or KeyAscii = 8) Then MsgBox "enter proper value" KeyAscii = 0 End If End Sub Double click on the text box which you want to validate. Next select the event as keypress from top right list box. In this case the name of text box is text1. This is the function for accepting input as integer value only from the user. ...