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Developing Internet Based Multimedia Application Then Why JMF?

If you want to develop internet-based multimedia applications then the best technology to use is Java Media Framework H93VHC3XEZT6

So what is JMF ?
Here are few reason why JMF is good.
JMF is an API. JMF is an optional package of Java 2 standard edition platform. JMF allows your applications to playback media, capture audio through microphone and video through Camera, do real-time streaming of media over the Internet process media ( change media format, add special effects ), store media into a file.
JMF supports popular media formats such as JPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, QuickTime, AVI, WAV, MP3, GSM, G723, H263, MIDI, and Hotmedia. JMF supports popular media access protocols such as file, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, RTP, and RTSP.

So why JMF?

Existing desktop players rely mainly upon native codes to improve performance. Hence they are platform dependent and unsuitable for deployment over Internet. JMF provides a layer of abstraction. JMF API hides the implementation details and provides a cross platform solution. It delegates media processing tasks to native codes if they are available in client platforms. Thus JMF does not lack performance. You can enrich your Java applications, applets and Beans with multimedia contents such as audio, video, animation, MIDI sequences, etc. You can develop Internet-based multimedia applications such as video telephony, video conferencing , media-on-demand, voice and video mailing system, Remote lecturing, live broadcast over internet, media rich e-commerce solutions etc.
For eg to design a standard based video conference, we are going to use Java Technology. For the communication related Programming, the JMF 2.11e API is very helpful. The Java Media Framework API (JMF) enables audio, video and other time-based media to be added to applications and applets built on Java technology. This optional package, which can capture, playback, stream, and Trans code multiple media formats, for multimedia developers by providing a powerful toolkit to develop scalable, cross-platform technology. In the architecture, the JMF Server applet captures the audio/video and stored in buffer then transmits into the JMF client applet as a RTP stream.To implementing the project we use G.711, G.722 audio codec, H.263, H.264 video codec and RTP Protocol. Real-time streaming of media allows users to play media as they receive it. Users don't have to wait for the whole media file to be downloaded before watching. To enable real-time streaming, dedicated streaming media servers and streaming protocols, such as real time Protocol (RTP), are required. RTP is an Internet standard for transporting real-time data.
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  1. Can you share the project source code. I am working on something similar but am new to JMF. It will be helpful to look at the code and understand different steps needed to capture audio/video streams and merge them together.



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