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Showing posts from December, 2010

How to Read XML Using PHP DOM

This simple example mentions how the data from the xml file can be read and displayed in a textbox in the html file. It illustrates the concept which simplifies understanding the basics. The structure of file.xml is:- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root>HELLO</root> This code lies in  file.php:- <?php  $xdoc = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'UTF-8' ); $xdoc->Load("file.xml"); $candidate = $xdoc->getElementsByTagName('root')->item(0); $newElement = $xdoc ->createElement('root'); $txtNode = $xdoc ->createTextNode ($root); $newElement -> appendChild($txtNode); $candidate -> appendChild($newElement); $msg = $candidate->nodeValue; ?> This code lies in file.html <input type="text" name="msgval" value="<?php echo $msg; ?>" /> It will display the data in $msg variable in the textbox names msgval.

Creating A Xml Document Using XML DOM And PHP

I had many issues to dealing with while solving this problem i i though about sharing this. The code below illustates a simple logis to create a XML file if it is not present and create a root node. And looking at this node you can create chile nodes. The code is as follows:- <?php $uvar = "HELLO"; $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $ele = $doc->createElement( 'root' ); $ele->nodeValue = $uvar; $doc->appendChild( $ele ); $test = $doc->save("file.xml") ?> This will create a file.xml with the following contents:- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root>HELLO</root>

Bing Makes Real Use of that Facebook Data

I had a given a exam on Information System Security few days ago as a part of my Engineering exams. It included topics about indexing, searching, page rank, popularity based ranking, Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency which are used to calculate values which determine the relevant page of your search query and display the list of relevant information. Though about sharing this with all of you as i found it interesting courtesy webpronews. This might be interesting to know for users who use bing for their search on the web compared to that of widely used Google. Now BING introduces a new feature which will show you which of your Facebook friends have liked search results as they will appear in your searches and works towards proving you with more relevant links concerned with your search query. It will make more usage of the Facebook data. If a query shows which is liked by one for your friends it will show up as 'Liked within Bing'. With this...